I have been trying to upload a video for a few days now but for some reason it just won't work. So, I decided I would just post some cute misc pics from the last couple of weeks.

On July 4th, I was honored to witness the birth of James Mitchell King. He was born at 6:36 am and weighed a whopping 9lbs 12ozs and was 22 inches long. Thanks to Rachel and Dan for letting me share in their special moment with them. Love you guys!

The King Family

Happy 4th of July!!

We recently discovered that Blue loves water. This was the day before school started and Reese decided that she wanted to go swimming with Blue, so they did. Reese went down the slide 4,387 times and blue would splash water everywhere by digging in the pool. Reese loved it!

We were all dressed up in our North Caroling gear to attend a double graduation party for Michael, who graduated high school and is going to University of Arkansas and Jen, who graduated from Mizzou with a Masters in Accountancy (and who also passed the first 3 parts of the CPA on her first try. She is taking the last part today - Good Luck, Jen!!). It was a theme party, College days come and gone. You could dress up or wear your favorite college colors. So it was obvious what we were all going to wear!

Jen having a great time at her party wearing her Mizzou toga which unraveled and fell apart the more she drank.

I love this picture for 2 reasons:
1. it shows how curly her hair is (although it is hard to really see it in front of the dark couch.)
2. it is one of the very, very few pictures where she is smiling. she just started this new smile and saying either "cheeeeessse" or "cheeeeseeeburger".